

pod 'LTSwiftDate'

How to use

NSDate & String conversion

NSDate to String

let time = Date().toString(format: "MM/dd/yyyy") //  04/08/2016
let time = Date().toString(format: "MMM d, H:mm a") //  Apr 8, 8:29 AM

String to NSDate

"04/08/2016".toDate(format: "MM/dd/yyyy")

You can find the complete reference for the format string here:

NSDate operation

LTSwiftDate adds exension on Int to generate date components, it supports:


let now = Date()
let nextMinute = now + 1.minutes
let yesterday = now - 1.days
let lastMonth = now - 1.months

Date comparison

You can compare dates using:


let now = Date()
let tomorror = now + 1.days
if (now < tomorrow) {

now.isEqual(toDate: now + 1.mins, ignoreTime=true) // true

Date shortcut

let now = Date()
let startOfDay = now.startOfDay()
let endOfDay = now.endOfDay()

Date caculation

let now = Date()
let tomorrow = now + 1.days
let days = now.daysBeforeDate(tomorrow) // days will be 1